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Solidworks intro and projects



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  1. I really enjoyed the course as I learned:
    1. That product design involves transformation from 2D sketch to 3D.
    2. That there are 3 states of a 2D sketch, under defined, fully defined, and over defined.
    3. That design intent is very important in determining what we're making the component for.
    4. About the advantage of extruding on a mid-plane.
    5. About the golden tip.
    6. That in 3D printing a part/model we save it using STL extension.
    7. About the need to fix the origin of the first component to be assembled to the graphics origin.
    8. About the use of mates and the different types.
    9. That there are many approach to modeling in Solidworks.

  2. This video is about learning how to use SolidWorks 2024. The video starts with an introduction to the software and then goes on to teach the viewer how to create a simple part. The video also covers some of the basic tools and features of SolidWorks, such as the extrude tool and the revolve tool. The video is a good introduction to SolidWorks for beginners.
    Here are some of the things you can learn from this video:
    1. How to create a simple part in SolidWorks
    2. How to use the extrude tool
    3. How to use the revolve tool
    4. How to add features to a part
    5. How to save a part
    This video can be beneficial to you in a number of ways. First, it can help you learn how to use SolidWorks, which is a valuable skill to have for engineers and designers. Second, it can help you prepare for your exams in your registered courses.
    Thank you NIPES for this opportunity.